摘要: 本文阐明滇东早寒武世昆阳、海口磷矿沉积于牛首山古陆及滇中古陆之间的海湾泻湖环境,有利于两侧的深海槽盆洋流上升,可以将分散磷质不断带到浅水海湾之中;具有高本底值磷质的古陆,由于迳流也提供一定的磷质;由于磷质及其它生命元素源源不断供给,使得温暖、浅水海湾的菌、藻生物大量繁殖,有效地固定了海水中分散的磷质并沉聚于海湾底部沉积物中。昆阳磷矿与海口磷矿之间近东西向水下隆起的存在,从搅动的浅水产生磷质沉积物的簸选,导致较粗的颗粒磷块岩的富集。经过早期成岩阶段的酶、菌作用,使孔隙水中磷质聚集形成胶结物,进一步使颗粒磷块岩品位更富。Abstract: The study area is located on the southwest of Kunming and the west of Dianchi Lake in the eastern Yunnan, where is an important phosphorous producting area in China. Two phosphorous deposits are involved in this area (Fig. 1) - the Kunyang phosphorite deposits and the Haikou phosphorite deposits. They are well known for the great reserves and outstanding quality. The stratigraphy of phosphorite-bearing layers are considered as the Zhongyichun member, Yuhuchun Formation in the Meishuchun section of Kunyang (Fig.2), which is one of the international candidate sections of Cambrian /Precambrian boudary. The tectonic setting of the eastern Yannan during the early Cambrian when the phosphorite was deposited, the Yangtze cratonic massif occurred as a platform and was flanked by the Yunnan-Qinghai-Tibet sea basin on the West and the South China Sea trough on the east. The middle of Yunnan and Xiushoushan paleoconti-nents extended along the west and east margins of craton respectively and a rift basin was in the middle. Early Cambrian phosphorite was deposited in embayment lagoon environment. Fig. 4 shows the paleogeography of that time. Several favourable conditions were provided to the enrichment of phosphorite deposits in the embayment lagoon, because of the paleogeography situation. 1. The dispersion phosphorous in deep sea could continuously migrate to the shallow bay by upwellings since the bay was connected with the deep sea basin and trough. 2. Certain amount of phosphorous was supplied by the runoff from the paleocontinents which has high basic amount of phosphorous. 3. Due to the continuous supply of phosphorous and other biogenic elements by upwelling and river discharge, the shallow bay was rich in organisms. There are bacteria and algae (plate I -1, 2, 3, 4) which are well known as the abundant organisms in the early Cambrian. The small shelly fossils, as the pioneer of Phanerozoic invertebrates also occurred. Those organisms efficently fixed the dispersive phosphorous of sea water and made the possibility for them to deposit on the bottom of bay. These three points mentioned above provided favourable conditions for the shallow bay to collect phosphorous, and never lose or only lose little of them.As a result, a great quantity of phosphate could be accumulated. However, the distribution of the Kunyang and Haikou phosphorite deposits indicates that the final enrichment of phosphorous must be controlled by particular factors. The Kunyang and Haikou phosphorite deposits lie along two flanks of the Xiangtiaochong anticline (Fig. 3) in the middle-west part of the shallow bay. A paleosubmarine uplift is inferred between two deposits by the study of tectonics (Fig. 7), the thickness of ore layers and sedimantary facies. It is predicted that the extended is parallel to the trend of Xiangtiaochong anticline. 1. Tectonic setting. In addition to the longitudinal fault system created the rift basin, there is latitudinal-horst fault system which could be thought as the geological background for the paleo-submarine uplift. 2. Thickness. According to the exploration data, the thickness of ore layers of two deposits has a increasing tendency along the downdip slops of the inferred uplift with a ratio of one or two permillage. 3. Sedmmentary facies. There are a lot of differences in the thickness of ore layers, lithology and the sedimentary characters (Fig. 5, 6) between the Kunyang and Haikou deposits which are only less than 10km apart. Also mud cracks are observed as the exposure features. Scourand fill structures and cross bedding (plate I-7) are common and some slump structures (plate I-8) have been found with northward and southward dip along two flanks of inferred uplift respectively. In fact, it could be concluded that the paleosubmarine uplift existed and uplift was considered as an important control factor of phosphorite enrichment. It is based on: 1. The submarine uplift created a warm, disturbed and very shallow water environment (Fig. 7) along two flanks. This kind of environment was favourable
[1] 1 曾允孚、王宝清,1984,峨眉一雷坡地区早寒武世初期麦地坪段磷矿沉积环境,《第五届国际磷块岩讨论会论文集》2,145-166页,地质出版社.
2 武希初,欧阳麟,1984,滇东寒武纪最早期磷块岩的岩相古地理研究,《第五届国际磷块岩讨论会文 集》2 , 167-184页,地质出版社。
3 王崇武等,1984,云南早寒武世初期磷块岩矿床地质特证,《第五届国际磷块岩讨论会文集》2 , 185-215页,地质出版社。
4 Baturin C,N.,1982, phosp hrites on the sea floor(Origin,composition and distrubution)Developments in sedimentology 33, p.219-323, p.279-292, printed in the Netherlands. -

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