摘要: 在自然演化成烃过程中,对不成熟生油岩起主导作用的因素是温度和时间。根据化学动力学原理,时间和温度可以互相补偿。因此我们有可能通过模拟试验的方法,用提高反应温度来缩短反应时间,从而实现在室内的条件下,研究有机质在地层中的生油过程。这一方法得到了国内外学者的公认和采用[1-6]。本文是通过对东营凹陷南坡草13—15井的一块不成熟生油岩的系统模拟试验结果进行分析研究,初步证实了它不仅可以验证自然演化剖面的结果,划分生油带,而且还进一步探讨了为生油量的计算提供必要参数的可能性。Abstract: A systematic artificial simulative experiment of mature evolution was carried out with a piece of immature source rock from Naopocao No, 13-15 at Dongying seg. The sample underwent the treatment in an autoclave without chloroform extract.By using the reflectivity of the vitrite as a scale, experimental data can be converted into the corresponding formation depth of this area.As compared with the section of natural evolution, they appear very similar. The zones of petroleum generation can be divided by means of simulative experiment of the nature evolution process of artificial organic matters. ES3-4low mature oil generation zones at Dongying seg are 2200-3020 m deep, whereas mature zones 3020-3980 m.This is the highest stage with respect to oil generation.High mature zones are 3980-4950 m.The total depth of petroleum generation is 2750 m.In the depth over 4950 m, condensed oil and wet gas are expected to be found. By means of the heat pressure simulative experiment, we can obtain the oil generation amount at each evolution stage of different kinds of immature source rock,and subsequently, we can make drawings of oil generation amount of different organic facies.So long as we measure the reflectivity value of vitrite of kerogen of source rock at different depths of the stratum in pre-measured area and work out the diagram of the relationship between the reflectivity and the depth of vitrite in the study region, we shall be able to select the appropriate drawing of the amount of oil generation amount of a proper organic facies and find out the amount.
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