摘要: 本文根据岩矿特征、沉积构造、生物组合等标志将巴楚—柯坪地区上石炭统碳酸盐岩沉积环境自西往东划分为:广海盆地相、台地边缘浅滩相、开阔台地相及滨岸浅滩相。并采用阴极发光,扫描电镜、X射线衍射分析、TAS-plus图像分析仪及测定镜质体反射率等分析手段,对该地区碳酸盐岩的压实、压溶、胶结、溶解及白云化作用进行了详细研究,推断了该岩层经历的最高成岩温度和所处的成岩阶段,并对其孔隙演化特点进行了分析,指出了次生孔隙发育的有利地带。Abstract: The Late Carboniferous in Western Tarim Basin is the typical sedimentation of epicontinental carbonate platform. It is main sediments are micrite, sparite, biomicrosparite and dolomite. The study on sedimentary environment, features of diagenesis and evolution characteristic of pores of Upper Carboniferous carbonates was carried out by Cathodoluminescence Microscope, SEM, X-diffraction analysis, TAS-plus Image Analysis System and Reflectance of Vitrinite (R ° ), based on field work and a large quantity of thin section observation. Through research, the following main conclusions are proposed: 1.The sedimentary environment of Upper Carboniferous carbonates in Bachu-Keping region can be divided into four facies from west to east. (1) Open Sea Basin Facies It Is distributed north of Kalatieke Mt. and west of Atushi- Shache County area. The most of sediments are terrigenous fine clastic rock and marl. (2) Platform Border Shoal Facies It is distributed Maigaiti County area. The most of sediments are sparite and dolomite. (3) Open Platform Facies It is distributed Bachu County-Subashi village area. The most of sediments are biomicrite and marl. (4) Coastal Shoal Facies It is distributed east of Keping County and north of Shajinzi Town area. The most of sediments are quartzose sandstone, siltstone, intramicsparite and biomicrosparite. 2. Upper Carboniferous carbonates have undergone deep compaction, Presoiution, cementation, dolomitizatiori and solution. Measurement of vitrinite reflection (R ° ) and illite crystallinity in mudstone demenstrate that diagenetic temperature is 120℃ to 160℃ Therefore in author' s opinion, this sequence is in the middle-late postdiagenetic stage, that is organic mature stage. 3. There are five kinds of cement which are formed in different period in. Upper Carboniferous carbonates: (1) . Needle isopachous ring cement. (2) . Co-axial ring cement. ( 3) . Allotriomorphic to hypautomorphic granular sparrycalcite cement. ( 4) . Sparry cyclopean ferrocalcite cement. (5) Hypautomorphic to idiomorphic dolomite cement. 4.The original sedimentary environment of carbonate is the important condition that influences the diagenesis of carbonate. The good reservoir rocks are often evolved from sparry granular carbonate and biosparite. Especially sparry granular carbonate of Xiaohaizi formation in platform border fades, because the widespread dolomitization, formed dolomhic limestone which has residual structure, that is helpful for the formation of secondary pores. Mean porosity of dolomite is 10%, So the authors suggest that this sort of rocks is the hopeful resvoir of oil.
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(2) 罗蛰潭,王允诚编著,1986,油气储集层的孔隙结构,科学出版社.
(3) A.Parker and B.W.Sellwood, 1981, Sediment Diagensis. p.379-417, D.Redel Publishing Com- piny.
(4) Grover, G. J. and Reado J. F, 1983, AAPG, V.67, p.1275-1303.
(5) Longman, M. W, 1980, AAPG, V.64, p.459-487. -

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