摘要: 广西上二叠统包括合山组和长兴组,岩性以石灰岩为主,夹有少量泥岩、硅质岩,含海相化石,极少见高等植物化石,煤层的顶底板和夹矸多是石灰岩或硅质岩。煤层结构复杂,厚度变化大。煤质呈现高灰份、高硫份的特征。因此对这种海相煤系和煤层的生成条件,引起了人们的兴趣。早在六十年代刘焕杰等就提出过滨海红树成煤的看法[1],近年来,由于碳酸盐理论的广泛应用,以及对现代沉积的考察,对它的研究又有了新的进展,黄酒和等(2) 深入地进行了合山剖面的岩石学研究,详细描述岩石类型,系统分析了该区碳酸盐的浅水成因标志。李有亮等(3) 进而提出潮坪沼泽成煤的论点。卓越提出与海南岛红树林和红树泥炭类比,认为它们是合山组煤层形成条件的自然模拟(4. 5) .作者最近大量观察合山组岩石薄片,发现煤层顶板和底板的裸松t:极勺发一育从而提出藻坪沼于子成煤模式。Abstract: The upper Permiau of Guangxi may be divided into two formations: Heshan and Changxing, including four types of coal-bearing formation of carbonate; residuum, algae-flat, mixed tide flat and winnowed platform edge sands. A. The residuum coal-bearing formation is of transgressive facies sequence—the residuum—the lacustrine—the bog—the tide flat, which consists of fcrro-beau- xite—cmpholite clay—coal bed—carbonaceous algae limestone. It appears at the bottom of the Heshan formation. The thickness of coal bed is labile. B. The algae-flat coal-bearing formation is of regressive facies sequence—open marine platform—the algae flat—the algae-flat swamp and the littoral marsh— the algae flat, which consists of biomicrite—Gymnocodium limestone—coal bed —Gymnocodium limestone.Most of them expose at the upper of the Heshan formation. The thickness of coal bed is thinner and more stable. C, The mixed tide flat coal-bearing formation is of regressive facies sequence —the mixed tide flat—the swamp—the mud flat, which consists of calcareous sandstone, mid stone and sparry iron, intercalating marlite (containing palaeophyte) —coal bed—clay bed. The coal bed is more unstable. D. The edge sands coal-bearing formation is of the tide flat — the winnowed platform edge sands—the tide flat—the algae- flat swamp—the tide flat,which consists of calcarenite—carbonaceous algae limestone— bed—mierite spongia algae limestone. The coal bed is most unstable. This paper will discuss the incoalation model of algae-flat swamp, taking the coal bed of the apper Heshan formation in central Guangxi as an example. 1. Palacotectonic seitings. tings. The formation was formed on the stable settle platform. The E-W strecture piling in this area played an upward well-fed part. The platform acquired more stable subsidence. 2 . Palaeogeographic conditions. Three parts of this area were surrounded by land. The Xeifeng land ( North ) and the Daminshan old land ( South ) had got aged. The uplifting Yunkai old land ( East ) transported its terrigenous elastics into the sea. But they were sustained by the bathyal basin at the margin of the old land. Therefore the water was shallow and clear on the platform. when the climate was warm and full of sunshine, organism was thriving and the carbonate platform was formed rapidly. The other part of the platform was open to the sea. The water came in and out freely. With difference of relief, the facies change occurre 3 . The effect of algae. The algae, especially the Gymnocodium were dominant in the roof and bottom of coal bed. Sometimes they formed the algae limestone. That the Gymnocodium always intergrew with some of algae colloid foraminifera and ostracod showed shallow water circumstance. It is somewhat difficult to sort the clastic of organism and it was intact individually,sometimes it could be distinte-grated or broken. Their edge angles and less abrasion showed a lower energy and intermittent turbulent environment. After the depth of the Gymnocodium, most of them accumulated in situ,and spread to laminate on the floor. It is called the algae-flat. Accompanying the platform uplift, the Gymnocodium played an important role in the shallowing upward sequence. When the algae-flat rose above the low tide, the soil in which plants grew occurred. 4 . Coal-forming substances. In the past people did not know the origin that coal bed cored on the limestone. When the present mangrove ( eg. Rhizophoraceae ) plants are observed in the intertidal zone, the view that peat could be formed by mangrove-like plants is put forward. It is imaginable that the plants of late palaeozoic era could live in saline or brackish water. Later we noticed that the fossils of normal swamp were found on the roof of coal bed as well. Therefore, in the in-coalation process, the coal-forming plants of coal bed of Heshan formation were mangrove-like plants in the earlier stage, and normal swamp plants in the middle and later stages and this was a
[1] (1) 刘涣杰,196,广西二叠系合山组含煤建造成煤环境的研究,中国地质学会第三十二届学术年会论文选集
(2) 黄遒和、温显端,广西合山碳酸盐岩型煤组沉积环境,煤田地质与勘探,198。年第2期。
(3) 李有亮等,1980,广西上二叠统合山组煤系、煤层生成条件(兼论潮上沼泽相和主要煤层聚集环境),煤炭科学技术,第72, 73期。
(4) 卓越,桂中晚二叠世合山组沉积特征和成煤环境,煤田地质与勘探,1980年第3期。
(5) 卓越,略论桂中晚二叠世合山组碳酸盐岩潮坪沉积及其与成煤的关系,中国矿业学院学报,1981年第1期。
(6) 孟祥化,1979,沉积建造及其共生矿床分析,地质出版社。
(7) 韩金炎,桂中晚二叠世含煤建造厚度趋势面分析,中国矿业学院学报,1980年第二期。
(8) Joknson, J.H.,1963, Pennsylvanian and PermianMires; 58( 3).
(9) Nest, R.G.,1956, Mangrove s+amps of the Pacific coast of Colombia, Anttal. Assoc. Amer. Gcog.,XIX. -

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