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Yeh Lientsun

Yeh Lientsun. FOREWARD[J]. 沉积学报, 1983, 1(1): 3-4.
引用本文: Yeh Lientsun. FOREWARD[J]. 沉积学报, 1983, 1(1): 3-4.


  • 摘要: The birth of "ACTH SEDIME\TOLOGICA SINICA" is a commemorabte delig-hted event to all of the Chinese Geological circle. It demarks that the science ofsedimentology has already standing up and booming in the field of Chinese geology.Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, sedim entalogy hadmade mangy- achievements and contributed herself to the march of geological in vest-igation works in many respects, not only in the academic side but also in the hun-ting of economic minerals, as well as in the teachings in unii-ersities.Now, sedime-ntologt- is considered unanimously as one of the most important basic sciences tomost of the main desciplines of geology. In the recent twenty years or so, parti-cularly after the establish m ent of the plate-tectonic doctrine, and the carrying on An attached“ACT人SEDIMENTOLOGICA SINICA" is essential to the develo-pment of a science, Because scientific communications were impetus to the deepen-ing and marching of investigations,In the former days, sedirnentology has been dealing mainly with the lithology and sequences of sedimentary strata, So, in that time,sedimentology was only kn-own as sedimentary petrography. It was just a sister science of stratigraphy, Suchlike the《The principles of stratigraphy》of A.W.Grabau, and the《 Basic principlesof Historical Geology》(in Russian)of H.M.Strahoff were the benchmark papersof that sort. But, probably after the 50's of this century, sedimentologists had shi-fted their pendulum of thought upon problems such like the origin and genesis ofsedimentary rocks or mineral deposits, the sedimentary environments and backgrou-nds, the evolutional history of sedimentary materials, sedimentary physics, sedime-ntary basins, etc. In one word, nowadays, sedimentology is no longer simply sedi-mentary petrography- but rather the equivalent of epigenetic geology.People says that the doctrine of plate tectonics is a big ju m p in geology, now, somebody again declared that the deci卢haring of "palaeoceans" would be the nestbig jump. what is palaeoceansy Apparently, it must be those that sunken underthe "mountain ranges".This is why the chief goal of the "Lithosphere''project is toward the continents, Obviouslp, ther is lots of work of sedimentolog5-to be done to this end. To be worked on the origin and evolution of sedimentarybasins through the geological history, To be worked again and re-evaluate the the-ory of geosynclines, And this has to differentiate first what a-ould be the kerneldifference of the real nature of terrestrial and suboceanic sedimentary processes,including weathering, transportation and sedimentation.The ultimate purpose of science is to sere a the people. Therfore, during themarching of our socialist modernization, the main work of sedimentologists mouldinevitably focused on problems of mineral resources eeploration and assessment, especially resources of crustal energy, Thus, the origin of mineral depositsnatura113" come up as the main target, The origin of mineral deposits is no longer a simple problem as it seems.and could only be solve compositely from mangy-different sides, which include:(1)The source of the ore-forming material:(2)The sot;rce mate-ial equilibr-iu m;(3)The process of genesis;(4)The procedure of groess:(5) penvi-ronment of sedimentation;(6)The background of sediimentation ,and flinnliy(7)The time of sedimentation. It is only after the working out of all these topicsthat the origin of a mineral deposit w ould disclosed.And it is only practical en-umerate reliable geological indications for the finding of mincraI deposits after thereal understanding of the origin of such deposits,The themes set、up above are only examples of personal understanding.But .inany rate, it shout-s that a e hate lots of、orks to be done. There arc Iots of thingswe are not yet understand.We have to learn more to meet the need of oni soc-ialist modernization, For instance we have worked mans on petrology.yet wedid very little on shale petrofogy-;we know- very little on carbonate lades modelsof the palaeozoic epicontinental less; we are only in the start on diagensis.we sv -re have worked many- on palaeogeography, but systematic investigations on that svbject are still rather feeble. we have to work and we have to learn.we are march-ing on route of science prom otion.Celebrate the birth of our “ACTASEIMENTOLOGICA SINICA'.
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  • 刊出日期:  1983-03-10



    摘要: The birth of "ACTH SEDIME\TOLOGICA SINICA" is a commemorabte delig-hted event to all of the Chinese Geological circle. It demarks that the science ofsedimentology has already standing up and booming in the field of Chinese geology.Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, sedim entalogy hadmade mangy- achievements and contributed herself to the march of geological in vest-igation works in many respects, not only in the academic side but also in the hun-ting of economic minerals, as well as in the teachings in unii-ersities.Now, sedime-ntologt- is considered unanimously as one of the most important basic sciences tomost of the main desciplines of geology. In the recent twenty years or so, parti-cularly after the establish m ent of the plate-tectonic doctrine, and the carrying on An attached“ACT人SEDIMENTOLOGICA SINICA" is essential to the develo-pment of a science, Because scientific communications were impetus to the deepen-ing and marching of investigations,In the former days, sedirnentology has been dealing mainly with the lithology and sequences of sedimentary strata, So, in that time,sedimentology was only kn-own as sedimentary petrography. It was just a sister science of stratigraphy, Suchlike the《The principles of stratigraphy》of A.W.Grabau, and the《 Basic principlesof Historical Geology》(in Russian)of H.M.Strahoff were the benchmark papersof that sort. But, probably after the 50's of this century, sedimentologists had shi-fted their pendulum of thought upon problems such like the origin and genesis ofsedimentary rocks or mineral deposits, the sedimentary environments and backgrou-nds, the evolutional history of sedimentary materials, sedimentary physics, sedime-ntary basins, etc. In one word, nowadays, sedimentology is no longer simply sedi-mentary petrography- but rather the equivalent of epigenetic geology.People says that the doctrine of plate tectonics is a big ju m p in geology, now, somebody again declared that the deci卢haring of "palaeoceans" would be the nestbig jump. what is palaeoceansy Apparently, it must be those that sunken underthe "mountain ranges".This is why the chief goal of the "Lithosphere''project is toward the continents, Obviouslp, ther is lots of work of sedimentolog5-to be done to this end. To be worked on the origin and evolution of sedimentarybasins through the geological history, To be worked again and re-evaluate the the-ory of geosynclines, And this has to differentiate first what a-ould be the kerneldifference of the real nature of terrestrial and suboceanic sedimentary processes,including weathering, transportation and sedimentation.The ultimate purpose of science is to sere a the people. Therfore, during themarching of our socialist modernization, the main work of sedimentologists mouldinevitably focused on problems of mineral resources eeploration and assessment, especially resources of crustal energy, Thus, the origin of mineral depositsnatura113" come up as the main target, The origin of mineral deposits is no longer a simple problem as it seems.and could only be solve compositely from mangy-different sides, which include:(1)The source of the ore-forming material:(2)The sot;rce mate-ial equilibr-iu m;(3)The process of genesis;(4)The procedure of groess:(5) penvi-ronment of sedimentation;(6)The background of sediimentation ,and flinnliy(7)The time of sedimentation. It is only after the working out of all these topicsthat the origin of a mineral deposit w ould disclosed.And it is only practical en-umerate reliable geological indications for the finding of mincraI deposits after thereal understanding of the origin of such deposits,The themes set、up above are only examples of personal understanding.But .inany rate, it shout-s that a e hate lots of、orks to be done. There arc Iots of thingswe are not yet understand.We have to learn more to meet the need of oni soc-ialist modernization, For instance we have worked mans on petrology.yet wedid very little on shale petrofogy-;we know- very little on carbonate lades modelsof the palaeozoic epicontinental less; we are only in the start on diagensis.we sv -re have worked many- on palaeogeography, but systematic investigations on that svbject are still rather feeble. we have to work and we have to learn.we are march-ing on route of science prom otion.Celebrate the birth of our “ACTASEIMENTOLOGICA SINICA'.

    English Abstract

    Yeh Lientsun. FOREWARD[J]. 沉积学报, 1983, 1(1): 3-4.
    引用本文: Yeh Lientsun. FOREWARD[J]. 沉积学报, 1983, 1(1): 3-4.


