The Identification of Long-chain Alkenones in Surface Sediments from South China Sea and Okinawa Trench
摘要: 本文运用TLC、GC和GC—MS手段,首次从冲绳海槽和南海表层沉积物中检出了长链不饱脂肪,研究结果表明这类化合物在海洋沉积物中分布较广,它们的丰度与某些海洋生物的地理分布有关,显示了它们作为生物标记化合物的潜力。Abstract: Series of di-and triunsaturated ketones in marine surface sediments from South China Sea and Okinawa Trench are identified in varying amounts by thinlayer chromatography, gas chromatography and computerised gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.They are C37 3Me, C37 2Me.C38 3Et, C38 3Me, C38 2Et, C38 2Me. C39 3Et and C39 2Et respectively. Electron impact high resolution mass spectrometry of the appropriate TLC-fractions(Rf= 0.45-0.80) revealed that the alkenones have molecular ion peaks at m/e 528. 530, 542. 544. 556. and 558 and abundant peaks at m/z 55. 57.67. 71. 82. 96.etc in their mass spectra. The alkenone of C37 2Me is the most abundant component in the alkenones. The fact that the undetection of alkenones in the modern sediments from Antarctic suggests that the abundances of long- chain alkenones in sediments are related to the geographical distribution of some marin organisms such as ? huxleyi. The distribution of the alkenone relative abundances of the four samples is very similar which implies that alkenones appear to be restricted to a few species of the class Prymnesiophyceae. notably cocclithophorids of the family gephyrocapsaceae. The degree of unsaturation of alkenones decreases as growth temperature increases. The relation between unsaturation index U37k(=C37 2/[C37 2+C37 3]) calculated on the amounts of C37 2Me and sea surface temperature is as follows: U37K=0.034T+0.039 Sea surface temperatures estimated on Up are close to the values measured in the field. This suggests that long- chain alkenones cas be used as a geochemical tool to estimate not only past surface water temperatures but also environmental conditions of sediment deposition.
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